STAT+: Pharmalittle: Biden taps Kessler to lead Operation Warp Speed; Trump administration seeks term limits on top FDA, CDC scientists

And so, another working week will soon come to a close. Not a moment too soon, yes? This is, you may recall, our treasured signal to daydream about weekend plans. Our agenda is, once again, rather modest. We plan to catch up on our reading, promenade with the official mascot, and take a few naps. And what about you? Given recent disturbing events, this may be a good time to take a long constitutional (pun intended) and clear your head. You could boost the economy by purchasing another sweater or wooly socks. Or touch base with someone feeling isolated. Well, whatever you do, have a grand time. But be safe — wear a mask. Enjoy, and see you on Tuesday, since we have an extended break on this side of the pond. …
President-elect Joe Biden has chosen David Kessler to help lead Operation Warp Speed, the program to accelerate development of Covid-19 vaccines and treatments , The New York Times reports. Kessler, a pediatrician and lawyer who headed the Food and Drug Administration during the presidencies of George Bush and Bill Clinton, has been a key adviser to Biden on Covid-19 policy and is co-chair of the transition team’s Covid-19 task force. He will replace Moncef Slaoui, who will become a consultant to Operation Warp Speed. Continue to STAT+ to read the full story…