Thank you for registering!

Congratulations! You have registered your interest in Moveit4smiles.
We will be in touch shortly to confirm whether you would like to attend our next event....  
When: Saturday 14 September 2019 and Sunday 15 September 2019
Where: Snowdonia National Park, Wales
In the meantime, you can take a look at the information below.
It has all the details about the walk itself, how you can tell others about your involvement and how people can support you by donating.
Information Packs
These information packs include everything you need to know for the event.
They include start times, meeting points and parking information.  They also have great advice about clothing, training tips, what to bring on the day and more.

Information Pack: Cnicht (Saturday 14 September 2019)

Information Pack: Tryfan (Sunday 15 September 2019)

There are two ways your friends, family, colleagues and other supporters can donate.

Sponsorship form

Donate online
