Mind Your Mouth: How Mouth Health Influences Brain Health

Hello Wonderful Readers!

June 11 at 8 AM PT I will be presenting a live online continuing education course for Young Dental. It is titled Mind Your Mouth: How Oral Health Influences Brain Health . It is open to everyone. AND!! It’s FREE!!!

Please click the blue highlighed words below. That will take you to the course where you can sign up. If you cannot listen on Saturday, you will still have access for a week and can listen on demand.

CE – Mind Your Mouth (youngdental.com)

Connect the mouth back on to the body and address chronic inflammation

Dementia affect 55 mllion people worldwide. It is set to triple by 2050. Yet, it is 90% lifestyle. Let’s change these statisitcs! Oral health has a big impact on not only our hearts, but our brains as well. What if we could prevent dementia?

Learn more about how we can modify those lifestyle elements and live a long and healthy life, free of chronic disease.

Please come join me and learn more about the oral-brain connections. I will share some new tools and thoughts to help your patients as well as yourself.

Looking forward to seeing you Saturday!


Barbara Tritz RDH

Healthy Smile, Healthy Brain, Healthy Body
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