Make a Dental Habit Stick Like Glue!

Making Healthy Habits Happen

A few of my favorite things

We all know what we “should” do- brush, floss, eat right, exercise, take vitamins, and on and on.  We promise our healthcare provider we’ll change our (evil, lazy, unhealthy, you call it) ways.  Yet, after we leave the dental office, we go right back to our old routines.  Nothing changes, well, until the day before our next appointment when that floss makes it out of the drawer and teeth get a scrubbing like crazy.  All my tools and suggestion for improving your oral health and general wellness tools won’t work if you can’t get’em in your mouth.

 If you have had ANY new cavities in your mouth or within the family in the last six months, then there’s a greater likelihood you’ll have a new cavity within the next six months.   Tooth decay  is contagious from tooth to tooth and person to person!   “Drill and fill” does NOT kill the bacteria and stop decay.  Got  bleeding gums ?  You’ve likely heard that darn  floss lecture  for the umpteenth time.   It’s time to change things up – a lot – if you do not want a new lecture.  And, in my opinion, the less dentistry, the better.  

So, let’s review some new ideas about how to incorporate a new dental habit or routine into your life.  Once and for all.

How Does One Incorporate a New Habit? 

Make a Habit Stick Like Glue

Habits are interesting.  I just finished a  book on habits , habit making, how they take over our lives, and how to change one.  It was eye popping and a fun read – different from my usual dental journals, but I did read it to learn how to best help my patients incorporate new dental habits into their day.  Habits start with a  cue – a reminder we need to do something- then the  routine  takes over, and then there’s a  reward . 

The  Cue – every habit has a trigger- time of day, people around, emotions you’re feeling, etc…  The  Routine – that’s the way we do things-  this is the behavior we want to become the new habit. The  Reward – what we get out of doing whatever we do.  Clean teeth, fresh breath, a smile, feeling good about ourselves.  Whatever motivates you to do something.

In order to change a habit, we need to change one or two of these things: The Cue – most folks care for their teeth after breakfast in the morning, and then just before bed.  That is, if they aren’t too rushed or too tired.  OOPS- no time – off to work or school, and boy, by the end of the day it’s time for bed so another rush job with a quick brush, if the teeth are lucky.  The cue is a reminder to do something- time of day? Where will you be?  Who else is around? What will you have just finished doing?  Think about these things.   The Reward – why do you clean your teeth?  

Personally, I love my smooth, clean teeth “feeling,” plus, I want to get all the food out, so I don’t have bad breath.  (Think about how your kitchen garbage smells after two days of rotting food.  That’s the same food that’s resting in between your teeth.)  If that’s not a reward, not sure what is!

What reward would motivate you to spend an extra 60 seconds on your oral health?   Do you crave this reward??  No? Then change the reward.  Think about what would motivate you- then reward yourself.  Whether it’s praise from your dental hygienist 
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