Doctor that earns $800,000 a year

T he highest  paid doctor in NHS is earing $800,000 a year, according to new figures showing a $20,000 pay gap between male and female consultants.
The statistics show just five out of the 100 top-earning NHS consultants in England are female, despite women making up a third of the total workforce.

And six times as many men as women were paid the highest bonuses, worth more than $80,000 each.
Best paid of all was a male doctor who earned almost $800,000 in 2016/2017, according to the figures obtained by the BBC.
The figure is two and a half times the earnings of the highest paid woman.
Male consultants working full-time earned an average of $130,683, including bonuses – 12 per cent more than female consultants, who received an average of $120,874.
The pay gap shrank to $2,000 when overtime and bonuses were stripped out.
Last year the Telegraph revealed that four times as many bonuses are being paid to male consultants, compared with those for women.
In the NHS, basic pay for consultants is topped up by a system of merit awards, which can be worth almost at least as much.
It means a consultant earning the maximum $110,000 NHS salary could be paid up to $80,000 more in annual bonuses, plus any income from private work.

O verall – 22,874 of 43,856 consultants in England – more than half – received some kind of bonus, of between $20,000 and $87,000 a report to ministers shows.

The post Doctor that earns $800,000 a year first appeared on DOKTORZ .