Cosmetic dentistry – growing your business

Chris McConnell shares the crucial steps you need to take to grow your cosmetic dentistry business.
How you grow your cosmetic dentistry business depends on the type of dentistry you do.  
Patients are generally aware of options like composite bonding or veneers and they are familiar with brands such as Invisalign.
But how do we drive more people to the practice and encourage them to proceed with cosmetic dental treatment?  
Cosmetic dentistry: the patient onion
Firstly, we need to look like we know what we’re doing.  
Everything from the marketing sent out to the appearance of the building, the interior décor and the front desk’s greeting will impact a patient’s perception of the practice and the quality of cosmetic dentistry delivered.  
It’s equally just as important for the clinician to confidently and clearly discuss treatment options with the patient.
To do this, I think about the ‘patient onion’ analogy. There are several layers we have to peel back to really understand the person sitting in the chair.  
We have to think about their external environment. This includes where they are travelling from, how far it is, whether they have dependants at home, and if they require mobility assistance or rely on someone else for transport.  
Identify challenges  
Next are the internal factors: their self-confidence, mental health, medical history, and personality.
This information allows us to identify potential challenges or concerns that a patient may have.  
It enables us to improve the patient experience from the very beginning.
Not only does this mean that patients are more satisfied with their treatment journey and outcome, but it also boosts the practice’s reputation.
Building a good reputation is crucial in a field of dentistry that relies heavily on referrals and recommendations. Happy patients are more likely to share their experience with friends and family.  
Plus, with a good review system in place – another important element for a thriving cosmetic dentistry practice – you can really boost your practice marketing.
Knowledge is power
Of course, all of these factors come second to the clinician’s ability to provide high-quality clinical treatment.
You need the skills and confidence to do your job well, in an ethical and minimally invasive way.  
Cosmetic dentistry today is also about maximising longevity of treatment with proper use of evidence-based products, techniques and technologies.  
It’s important to understand the mechanics behind the materials you select, as well as the science behind the treatment concepts you utilise, to consistently deliver the best results.  
We must all realise that this takes time to achieve.  
The best cosmetic dentists have 10+ years behind them and have constantly worked on themselves, built their knowledge and broadened their experience.  
Find your path with the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD)
The BACD is a community consisting of cosmetic dentists at the very top of their game, as well as those currently on that journey or just starting out in the field.  
We appreciate the dedication it takes to be a great cosmetic dentist and we support each other in our development.  
The BACD also offers a structured pathway to help individuals find their path.  
The wheel of knowledge outlines the different areas a cosmetic dentist must master to be at their very best.  
There are also a myriad of training courses, educational events and other opportunities for members to progress.  
Ultimately, being able to tell patients you are a full, fellow or accredited member of the BACD is a fantastic measure of your dedication to clinical excellence and offers another reason for patients to place their trust in you for their cosmetic dental treatment.  
With demand remaining high for cosmetic dentistry, it’s important that you show patients how you can support their smile aspirations.  
In doing so, you can rapidly and effectively grow your cosmetic dentistry services.