How Does Invisalign® Teeth Straightening Work?

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If you have concerns about a smile that isn’t as straight as you’d like it to be but shudder at the idea of traditional metal braces , you have probably thought about clear dental aligners .
Invisalign® clear dental aligners has proven itself to be a highly effective method to treat teeth that are misaligned. 

What Is Invisalign®?
While there are now several clear aligner dental trays available on the market, Invisalign® was the original and is still the gold-standard orthodontic treatment when it comes to using clear aligners to straighten teeth. This is fast becoming the treatment of choice — when appropriate — in mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment .
Invisalign® can treat the following dental issues:

Crooked teeth
Twisted teeth
Crowded teeth 
Irregularly spaced teeth
Open bite

What Does Invisalign® Clear Aligners Do ?
This dental technology works by gradually moving teeth into their proper position. This is accomplished by using a series of custom-made, clear trays. 
Each tray is worn for two weeks and gently guides the teeth closer to the end goal of a straighter, more appealing smile.
How Long Do Invisalign® Trays Take?
The length of time you will have to wear Invisalign® aligners will vary depending on the condition of your smile. Usually, treatments range from six months to 18 months — however, it is important to understand that your treatment may take longer. 
Additionally, it’s vital to wear the aligners all day and night, only removing them to eat and clean your teeth. Failure to do so can result in a longer treatment period and poor results.
Combining Invisalign® With Teeth Whitening
At the end of your treatment, when you are wearing your last dental tray, you can ask your dentist to provide you with a professional-strength whitening gel to use in conjunction with the aligners.
Your dentist will instruct you on how long to keep the whitener on your teeth according to the product they recommend.
What Makes Invisalign® Clear Aligners Different From Other Clear Orthodontic Aligners?
When it comes to straightening your teeth, you want to have a professional who is experienced with this orthodontic treatment method and can create a custom treatment plan in partnership with Invisalign® for your ideal outcome. 
Other options leave you to monitor yourself, lacking the necessary oversight needed to ensure your results. 
Invisalign® is a tried and true dental technology that, while typically used in mild and moderate cases, has been known to correct serious dental alignment issues. 
In some severe cases, traditional braces can be combined with Invisalign® for successful results.
Beverly Hills Invisalign® Provider and Dentist to the Stars | Dr. Kevin Sands
Ready for the VIP treatment that Dr. Sands delivers? Call our Beverly Hills dental office today, or scroll down to schedule an Invisalign® consultation . Your perfect smile is waiting!
The post How Does Invisalign® Teeth Straightening Work? appeared first on Kevin B. Sands, DDS - 90210 Dentist .