Janet Goodwin

Janet became the first dental nurse to be elected President of the Oral Health Foundation in the charity’s nearly 50-year history.  She was a long-time and active member and Fellow of the British Association of Dental Nurses and was also a recipient of their ‘Outstanding Contribution to Dental Nursing Award’.
An influential figure within oral health, Janet held roles at Leeds Dental Hospital, the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses, and General Dental Council. Janet was also an Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of General Dental Practice.
Janet passed away in October 2020 following her battle with breast cancer.  She was not only a highly respected colleague but also a much-loved friend.
A true ambassador for oral health, Janet leaves behind a legacy that will aim to make an important difference for the professional development of dental nurses and oral health across the UK.
Janet Goodwin Memorial Fund
The Janet Goodwin Memorial Fund will suppo...