Support for the homeless

Homeless charity Shelter estimates that there are more than 250,000 homeless people in the UK, most of whom are not able to get their basic oral health needs tended to. On a day to day, hour by hour, basis many homeless people face issues with basic hygiene, oral health is undoubtedly one of these major issues.
Without a basic oral health routine problems such as tooth decay and gum disease can quickly become major issues for many homeless people. Alongside poor nutrition and the inability to access effective dental care even the smallest problem can quickly escalate leading to prolonged pain and suffering. Poor oral health has also been linked to diabetes, heart disease and strokes, without proper oral health intervention homeless people in the UK can face a bleak future.
Your donations to our homeless appeal are used to make sure that people are given the best opportunity possible to prevent this happening. From providing them with the basic tools of a toothpaste and toothbrush so ...