My fear of the dentist

Why am I afraid of the dentist?

Being 'afraid of the dentist' may mean different things to different people. It will probably help if you work out just what it is that worries you most. Maybe the sounds and smells bring back memories of bad experiences as a child, or make you think that having treatment will hurt. The good news is that more and more dentists now understand their patients' fears. They realise that kindness and gentleness can do a lot to make dental treatment an acceptable, normal part of life.
I have been scared of the dentist for a long time – what is it like now?
Dental techniques have improved so much over the last few years that modern dental treatment can now be completely painless. Despite this, most people still feel a little nervous at the thought of going to the dentist. If you have not been to see a dentist for some time, you will probably find that things have improved a lot since your last visit. The general attitude is likely to be more relaxed, ...