Mouth ulcers

What are mouth ulcers?
Ulcers are painful sores that appear inside the mouth. They are usually red or yellow. They are different from cold sores, which appear on the outer lips and are caused by a virus.
What are the common causes of mouth ulcers?
Usually a single mouth ulcer is due to damage caused by biting the cheek or tongue, or by sharp teeth, brushing or poorly fitting dentures. These ulcers are called ‘traumatic' ulcers. If you have a number of mouth ulcers, and they keep coming back, this is called ‘recurrent aphthous stomatitis'.
How do I know if I have a traumatic ulcer?
Traumatic ulcers are usually on their own, are next to the cause of the damage and go away once the source of the problem is removed.
What are the signs of recurrent aphthous stomatitis?
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is a common problem, and is the repeated appearance of mouth ulcers in otherwise healthy children and young people. The cause is not known, but it is not infectious an...