Living with my brace

How long will I have to wear the brace?
It really depends on how much work there is to do and how far your teeth need to be moved.
Fixed braces
Usually take between 12 and 24 months, but could take longer if the problem is severe.
Removable braces 
Usually take less time than a fixed brace. However, you might need to wear a removable brace before and after you have finished your treatment with a fixed brace.
Your dental team or orthodontist will be able to give you advice about your brace and teeth. If you don't do what they say, the brace can take longer to work and the treatment may be unsuccessful. If your brace is damaged or broken this can also delay the treatment.
How often should I see the dentist while I am wearing my brace?
You will need to have your brace adjusted regularly to make sure it is working properly. Usually you will have an appointment roughly every six to eight weeks. It is very important that you go to these appointments...