Lichen planus

What is oral lichen planus?
Lichen planus is a long-lasting disease, which can affect the mouth and sometimes other areas of the body.
When it appears in your mouth it is called 'oral lichen planus'. It can appear on its own or as part of a disease affecting other parts of your body. Oral lichen planus usually happens from middle age onwards, and more women get it than men.
What are the signs and symptoms of oral lichen planus?
Lichen planus shows in many different ways. The most common signs are white patches on the lining of your mouth (usually your cheeks, tongue and gums). These don't usually hurt, but sometimes there can be redness, ulcers or, very rarely, blistering as well as the white patches. If so, you may find it painful to eat hot or spicy foods.
What is the cause of oral lichen planus?
We do not know the cause of lichen planus in most patients.
It may be a sign of a slight weakness in the body's immune (defence) system, but patients with lichen planus don't usua...