Knocked out teeth

What is an avulsed tooth?
An avulsed tooth is one that has been knocked out.
A tooth can be knocked out by a blow to the mouth, or an accident involving the face. This can happen for example while playing contact sports. The tooth can be replaced in the socket successfully if you take the right action as soon as possible.
I'm bleeding, what can I do?
Don't panic. Get a clean handkerchief and fold it up, then hold it over the socket and bite down. Keep your jaws together to apply pressure. If you need something for the pain, don't take any medication containing aspirin as this can cause the bleeding to get worse. Do not apply clove oil to the wound.
I've still got the complete tooth, can it be replaced?
Maybe. The complete tooth needs to be replaced in the socket as soon as possible, ideally in under 30 minutes. But teeth have been successfully replaced up to 60 minutes after being knocked out.
What should I do with the tooth?
Don't touch the root. If the tooth is very dirty...