Jaw problems and headaches

What is dental occlusion?
Dental occlusion is another name for the way your teeth meet when your jaws bite together.
What kind of problems might I have?
If your teeth don't fit together properly, you can have problems not only in your teeth themselves, but also in the gums, the temporo-mandibular joint or the muscles that move your jaw.
These problems are called 'occlusal' problems. Dental occlusion is another name for the way your teeth meet when your jaws bite together.

Teeth that are out of line, heavily worn or constantly breaking, fillings that fracture or crowns that work loose may all be signs of occlusal problems. Your teeth may also be tender to bite on or may ache constantly.
Loose teeth or receding gums can be made worse by an incorrect bite.
The letters TMJ are short for 'temporo-mandibular joint', which is the joint connecting your lower jaw and your skull. The movement in this joint lets you open and close your mouth and chew from side to si...