Healthy gums and healthy body

Could the health of my mouth affect my general health?
Yes. There are new findings which support something that dental professionals have suspected for a long time: infections in the mouth can be linked with problems in other parts of the body.
What problems could my dental health cause?
Problems which may be caused or made worse by poor dental health include:

Heart disease.



Giving birth to a premature or low-birth-weight baby.

Respiratory (lung) disease.

Quite how these links work is the subject of much research.
However, recent large-scale studies have shown that the medical costs for patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disease or strokes, and for pregnant women, can be significantly less if their gum disease is treated thoroughly. This is just another reason to make sure you always look after the health of your teeth and gums at home and visit the dental team regularly.
How can the health of my mouth affect my heart?