Drugs, alcohol and your oral health

Can using drugs affect my teeth and oral health?
Yes. The use of illegal drugs, such as Methamphetamine (meth, speed, ice, glass and crystal), Heroin, Cocaine, Cannabis and Ecstasy can all have an adverse effect on the health of your teeth and gums.
How do drugs affect my dental health?
Many drugs can cause a craving for sugar, such as sweets and fizzy drinks, which can cause tooth decay. 
Drugs such as Methamphetamine and Heroin can also cause you to have a dry mouth. Because there is a reduced saliva flow in the mouth, this can also lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
Some drugs, such as Ecstasy and Cocaine can lead to jaw-clenching and tooth grinding. This can result cracked or broken teeth, as well as headaches and jaw pain.
Being ‘high’ on drugs could also make you less likely to remember to brush your teeth regularly. This could lead to gum disease, dental decay and tooth loss.
Does drinking alcohol affect my teeth and gums?
Alcoholic drinks such as whi...