Dental visits for LGBTQ+ people

Does my dentist need to know if I am LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning)?
It is entirely up to you if you choose to tell your dentist about your sexual orientation, gender identity or trans status. However, it may be help your dentist if they are aware of your identity as many LGBT patients have health needs that non-LGBT patients don’t have. So if you do give your dental team more details about yourself, it may help them to treat you more effectively.
Telling your team about yourself will mean they are less likely to make assumptions about the gender of your partner or ask inappropriate questions about your life. It may also make you feel more confident that you are receiving the best care and the most appropriate treatment for you.
It is also helpful if the dental team know about any concerns or anxieties you may have, so that they can help you to feel at ease.
How much of my medical history do the dental team need to know?
The dental team will nee...