Dental care for people with special needs

Who needs special-care dentistry?
Everyone needs to be able to have dental care. However, some people need special facilities or services to have this care provided. People with physical disabilities may have problems getting into the surgery or even into the dental chair. People with learning disabilities may become overanxious at the thought of going to the dentist or may need extra reassurance. People suffering from severe medical problems may need extra precautions or care. Dental teams are able to take account of all these things when providing dental care.
Who can provide treatment?
Many dentists will happily treat people with special dental needs in their surgery. However, some people find it hard to get to the surgery and so other arrangements may be made by the practice: for example, home visits and special health centres. Some people need a specialist service. The local Community Dental Service or some health centres will also help people needing specialist care and ma...