Dental care for older people

Am I certain to lose my teeth?
No. With the right home care and help from your dental team, it is possible to keep your teeth for life. Gum disease and tooth decay can be prevented whatever your age.
What problems may older people have?
Your gums may recede (shrink back) as you get older, and your teeth may become a little more sensitive as a result. Your dental team will be able to show you the best brushing methods to keep any gum problems under control, and may suggest a mouthwash to deal with the sensitivity.

You may find it more difficult to clean your teeth properly if you have problems with your hands or arms, or if your eyesight is poor. Your dental team can give you help and advice on the best aids to use. A magnifying mirror and a good light are often helpful.
If you have lost some teeth in the past, and have bridges or dentures, you may have particular cleaning needs and problems. Your dental team can help you with these.
Some people take regu...