Oral health and general wellbeing

Good oral health has many benefits, not only for your mouth but your overall wellbeing too.
Taking good care of your oral health goes far beyond keeping your teeth and gums healthy.  It also improves your quality of life.
In recent years, poor oral health, specifically gum disease, has been linked with a number of general health conditions.
What problems could my oral health cause?
Problems which may be caused or made worse by poor oral health include:

Heart disease.



Giving birth to a premature or low-birth-weight baby.

Respiratory (lung) disease.

How can the health of my mouth affect my heart?
People with gum disease are almost twice as likely to have coronary artery (heart) disease than people without gum disease.
When people have gum disease, it is thought that bacteria from the mouth can get into their bloodstream. The bacteria produce protein. This can then affect the heart by causing the platelets in the blood ...