Denture stomatitis

What is denture stomatitis (Thrush)?
Denture stomatitis is caused by a yeast or fungus called candida. It is not an infection that we get or pass on to others, because we all have some candida in our mouths. Thrush can appear in other parts of the body, but when it affects the mouth it may be called ‘denture stomatitis’.
Who can get denture stomatitis?
Denture wearers are most likely to be affected, along with people who have problems keeping their mouth clean. Diabetics and anyone who takes steroids, either through inhalers or by mouth, may also have problems.
Some antibiotics are responsible for causing thrush. Many people find that taking certain antibiotics encourages the infection to come back, especially if taken over a long period of time.
How can the dentist recognise it?
When the denture is taken out, your dental team may be able to see a very red area under the denture. There may also be red sore areas at the corner of the lips.
Why does denture st...