Camino de Santiago

On 20th May 2016, serial fundraiser and Moveit4Smiles ambassador Christina Chatfield turned her money-raising efforts up another notch by completing her very own pilgrimage! 
Venturing abroad for a new challenge, Christina tackled the mighty Pyrenees mountain range by completing one of the toughest walks in the world: the Camino de Santiago, widely known as the the most popular but one of the trickier routes of the "Way of St. James", Christina took it all in her stride and was able to finish the walk. 
Christina began her mission at the town of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Pont on the French side of the Pyranees.
Across the coming days and weeks, she successfully navigated her way through a wide range of terrain. The vibrant green valleys of Galicia, the vast plains of Sierra de Campos and the sticky inner-city humidity of Burgos, Leon, Pamplona and Santiago all came and went, with Christina still standing. 
Some 490 miles and five weeks had passed, but Christina managed to r...