Mount Suilven

In May 2019, the Moveit4smiles team conquered Mount Suilven, one of Scotland's tallest and most distinctive mountains, battling moorland, bogs and lochans along the way! 
Our route began at Glencanisp Lodge, roughly 1.5km from Lochinver to the west. After trekking across 6km of terrain, we reached the river locally known as Abhainn na Clach Airigh. Shortly after, we switched paths to begin our ascent towards the step north side of Mount Suilven. 
After a further 2km of intense climbing, our resilient team encountered Bealach Mor (the Great Bealach Pass). The final push to the summit was steep, with our team careful to avoid some boulders that threatened to bring the mission to a late and abrupt end! 
Finally, the peak of Suilvan lay before us. We made the most of the beautiful view before us, taking a couple of pictures and enjoying the fruits of our day's labour! 
We then returned back down the gully and across the moor before returning to our start point out...