Why we are raising money

Moveit4smiles is all about raising awareness of two extremely important and pressing issues in the world of oral health – rising mouth cancer rates and the human papillomavirus, more commonly known as HPV.
With your help, together we can create a world where fewer people are affected by this deadly disease and make more people across the UK aware of HPV than ever before.
Mouth cancer
New cases of the disease have now risen to over 8,300 every year in the UK alone. It’s one of the few types of cancer that is expected to continue to rise over the coming years. Over the last two decades, the number of new cases has risen by 135%.
Despite this concerning rise in the number of new mouth cancer cases across the country, there is still a really low level of awareness when it comes to the disease.
The money we raise through this initiative will go directly towards making sure more people can access vital information about the disease and encourage Brits to change lifestyle hab...