Mouth cancer risk factors

We don’t know what causes most mouth cancers. However, there are several factors that are likely to increase your risk.
Around 90% of mouth cancers can be linked to preventable lifestyle factors such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
If you do not stop or reduce the things that might put you at greater risk, it is important that you do self-checks at home and regularly visit your dentist.
Please be aware of your risk.
The below causes are linked to mouth cancer.
If any, most or all of these apply to you, this does not mean that you are certain to develop mouth cancer.
Smoking tobacco increases your risk of developing mouth cancer by up to ten times, compared with never-smokers.This includes smoking cigarettes, pipes or cigars.
Around two in every three (more than 60%) mouth cancers are linked to smoking.
There is also evidence that second-hand smoke at home or in the workplace may increase a person’s risk of mouth cancer. 