Remote consultations and triage

In the wake of COVID-19, new social distancing measures and tighter cross infection controls have created many challenges for dental professionals.
As advice and recommendations for DCPs continues to evolve regarding fallow periods, treatments and patient capacity, there is now more emphasis on developing relationships with patients outside of the dental practice setting.
For most, this means carrying out remote consultations.
Remote consultations and virtual appointments are becoming increasingly popular as a means to triage and assess patients. This presents an opportunity for dentistry to follow in their footsteps and adopt a new way of working. 1
The two most common ways to perform these are by telephone and video conference.
When remote consultations are suitable
Where face-to-face appointments are not a feasible option, remote consultations can be a timely and sensible solution.
For remote consultations to be a practical alternative, you need to be confident that yo...