Preventing tooth decay

Despite tooth decay being very common, it is easily preventable. Having a healthy mouth and being free of oral disease is in your hands. All it takes is the correct care.
Some top tips for preventing tooth decay:

Cut down on how much sugar (or carbohydrates) you have and how often you have it.

Brush your teeth last thing at night and at one other time during the day.

Choose a 1450ppm fluoride toothpaste as an effective way for you to prevent tooth decay.

Your dentist may prescribe you a toothpaste with a higher fluoride content if you are at increased risk of tooth decay.

Avoid rinsing your mouth out with water after brushing. Instead spit out the toothpaste. This makes sure the fluoride stays on your teeth.

Caring for your teeth
Brushing your teeth thoroughly last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, with a 1450ppm fluoride toothpaste is the most effective way to prevent tooth decay.
Make sure that you brush the inne...