Tooth decay and your health

Dental decay is a disease that destroys the tooth’s enamel and its underlying layer, the dentin. It occurs when specific types of bacteria in your mouth produces acid after you have eaten or drunk anything containing sugar. ‘Dental decay' is the same as tooth decay and is also known as ‘dental caries'.
Dental decay is caused by plaque acids that gradually dissolve away the enamel and dentine of the tooth. Decay (sometimes known as dental caries) damages your teeth and may lead to the tooth needing to be filled or even taken out.
The signs of tooth decay
In the early signs of tooth decay there are no symptoms, but your dental team may be able to spot early tooth decay when they examine or x-ray your teeth. This is why you should visit your dental team regularly, as early tooth decay is much easier to treat than more advanced decay.
When tooth decay is not treated early, you may have:


Tooth sensitivity to sweet things.

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