The dangers of DIY orthodontics

DIY orthodontics is often marketed as a cheap, fast, and effective way to straighten your teeth. All of this sounds appealing, but it could present a very real risk to your health.
DIY orthodontics is often aligners which you buy online without visiting a dental practice. It involves an online form and payments for a ‘do-it-yourself’ kit which will have you make an impression (mould) of your teeth at home. You might also be asked to go to a shop to have your teeth scanned digitally.
The impressions or scans of your teeth are then used to make a set of aligners. These are then sent to you in the post, along with a treatment plan.  
Worryingly, this generally happens without seeing either a dentist or orthodontist.    
The risks of DIY aligners
As with most shortcuts, there is a long list of risks associated with DIY orthodontic treatment.
Orthodontic treatment is not simple. Dental professionals go through extensive training and continuous supe...