Children and young people

Despite the steady improvement in children's oral health over recent years, oral diseases in young people are still a very common occurrence.
It is upsetting to think, but tooth decay is the most common cause for a child to go under general anaesthetic in hospital in the United Kingdom and it is a problem which is very much shared throughout the world.
The fact though, is that every single one of these cases could be avoided with access to basic care and a simple daily oral health routine.
This involves:

Brushing their teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day with a fluoride toothpaste.

Cutting down on how often they have sugary foods and drink.

Visiting the dentist regularly, as often as they recommend.

Our ultimate mission is, with your help, we can give every young person the best possible opportunity to avoid oral health problems that cause needless pain and suffering.
When it comes to young people and oral health prevention...