
Why did you decide to fundraise for the Oral Health Foundation?
As an oral health care company, TePe shares the educational and oral health promotional goals of the Oral Health Foundation and so naturally support the impartial efforts of the charity to educate the public on all oral health care.
Can you describe what your fundraising event was?
We have joined the Move It 4 Smiles initiative each year for the last 3 years – completing the last 12 Miles of the original 500 Miles for Smiles campaign as a team and joining Christina Chatfield and her teams in raising awareness of mouth cancer.
For Making Every step count for mouth cancer last year, our staff wore pedometers to make every step count over a period of a week in and out of the office, raising funds and the competitive spirit in the office! For 2018, we are having a sponsored walk up in the Mendips to raise funds for this important issue.
Why did you choose to do this?
Late detection of mouth cancer ki...