
Why did you decide to fundraise for the Oral Health Foundation?
I have always been very passionate about my profession and see it as a vocation. I started my career as a YTS nurse in Scotland in the 80’s. I qualified as a hygienist in Dundee in 1981, and I am as passionate and enthusiastic now as I was then, over 30 years later.
When I set the practice up in 2007, the huge responsibility of setting up a business to allow people to access hygienist without seeing a dentist was challenging. Although Direct Access did not become a reality till 2013 I was heavily involved with a group of people who fought for that to happen. The support and the belief of the Oral Health Foundation in me and our profession was overwhelming.
While developing the website, the brand and looking at the legalities and our competencies, our scope of practice, I became increasingly concerned about mouth cancer awareness and the link with HPV, the more I read and learned, the more I wanted to help do somet...