
Why did you decide to fundraise for the Oral Health Foundation?
I was inspired by Charlie Rees’ story, a young lady who lost her life to mouth cancer. I wanted to add something to her legacy. 
Can you describe what your fundraising event was?
A 15,000ft tandem skydive.
Why did you choose to do this?
I choose to do a skydive, then decided to make the most of the opportunity by doing it for charity, then choose the Oral Health Foundation.
The inspiration for the skydive was mainly to help overcome my fear of heights and to see what I’m capable of.
It turns out, I’m far more capable than I first thought and it has spurred me on to keep challenging myself and venturing outside of my comfort zone.
What was your best fundraising moment?
There were three in fact.
Firstly, being sponsored by people who I didn’t think would be supportive.
Secondly, achieving my fundraising target.
Then, finally, smashing my target by raising 115%!
Because the Oral ...