I want to fundraise for the Oral Health Foundation. How do I get involved?

Start by taking a look at our top fundraising ideas to help inspire you to get involved. If you’re not sure what you want to do, send us a message and we’ll be in touch to help you find the fundraising activity that’s perfect for you.
Take a look at what else is going on to see if you can attach your fundraising event to a certain cause. Perhaps you can arrange your event during National Smile Month or Mouth Cancer Action Month?
You could even look at calendar events like World Oral Health Day as inspiration of when to hold your event. 
Next you should think about what you would like to raise money for. Take a look at our range of appeals to see what we're raising money for at this time.
Once you have decided what you are doing, when and for which cause, go to our create a fundraising page. This page will allow you to enter all your event details and share it with your friends and family so they can donate and support you. You can even upload photos and ...