Supporting the Oral Health Foundation

At the Oral Health Foundation, we believe everybody has the right to access oral healthcare and be provided with the basic education and support to achieve good oral health.
As an entirely self-funded charity, we rely on your generous support to continue our important mission of bringing better oral health to all.
Whether you are helping us by donating, fundraising, participating in our campaigns or simply help us to share the importance of a healthy mouth, you really can help make a difference. Here are just five reasons why you should support the Oral Health Foundation:
Dental Helpline
Each call to the Dental Helpline costs us £10 to process, meaning that it takes £100,000 each year, just to keep this vital public service running. Without your valuable donations, it is impossible for us to take these calls and help those who are most in need. Your support directly affects how many people we can help every single day.
Our Dental Helpline takes...