Oral health in the community

As well as giving you dental advice, education and treatment in a dental practice setting, many health professionals also enjoy taking their skills and knowledge out into local communities.
Oral health promotional teams, educators and other dental professionals often take time to provide services outside of the dental practice, giving something back to nearby residents. 
Places which your local dental team would be most likely to deliver oral health education include:

Nurseries and schools.

Public places like town centres and shopping malls.

Community centres and homeless shelters.


Residential and care homes.

If you work in a school, are part of a HR team, a carer in a residential home, or anywhere where you think a large group of people may benefit from a visit from a local oral health promotion team, then reach out to them. You might be pleasantly surprised how willing are they to help you.
There are also many community dental clinics whe...