Amanda Goulden

Amanda from Bolton was diagnosed with mouth cancer when she was just 34. Here, in her own words, is her powerful and heart-breaking story of her experience with being diagnosed and undergoing treatment and why she feels it is best to see your dentist if you are concerned about anything.
“In early 2008 I had an ulcer on my tongue, which didn't go with over the counter medication. I went to my doctor's several times, but they just prescribed me ulcer medication. I eventually saw a doctor in April/May who sent me for biopsy. 
“I'll never forget sitting on the bed showing the doctor my tongue, before she had even taken the biopsy she said when I come for the results to bring someone with me. In the back of my mind I knew what she meant. At this point I still hadn't told my husband as I didn't want to worry him.
“On May 20th, 2008 at 3pm I was due to go to the hospital for the results. I received a call in the morning to say they had had a cancellation and could I...