David Shakesby

The fight against mouth cancer is a hard and difficult task but with his family and friends by his side every step of the way David Shakesby was determined to emulate his sci-fi idols and battle it bravely.
For father of one David, from Loughborough, being diagnosed with mouth cancer at the age of 39 was a complete shock; one which has turned his life and that of his family upside down.
David took pride in his oral health and visited the dentist every six months and right up until his diagnosis he hardly ever had any oral health problems. But in April 2015 he knew something was wrong and during his regular check-up he got the news he had been dreading.
David had been experiencing pain in his mouth when he ate, and after a previous scare two years prior in which a biopsy gave him the all clear, always paid close attention to what was going on in his mouth.
As a non-smoker and only occasional drinker, David would not usually be considered a high risk when it comes to a mouth cancer d...