Rachel Parsons

Many people believe in fate or destiny. Few can offer a reason for doing so without retorting ‘just because I do’. For 46-year-old mother of five Rachel Parsons from Coventry, the answer is much more sincere.
"Since I was diagnosed with mouth cancer, we have developed a bit of a family motto," Rachel said.
"Everything happens for a reason, and that reason isn’t clear until something happens. I know I got mouth cancer to help other people get through their own battle. I just know it."
On Boxing Day 2007, Rachel first noticed a lump in her mouth. Having heard of mouth cancer and the symptoms, she knew she needed to get checked out. After the dentist told her it was Lichen Planus, a long lasting disease that can be found in the mouth, during a check-up in February the following year, Rachel’s mouth got progressively worse.
"I had a number of recurring mouth ulcers and the lump had got worse, yet at my six month check-up in June, my dentist insisted it was nothi...