Laura Taylor

I have always looked after mouth, always gone to the dentist for regular check-ups and eat a normal diet.
Wednesday 27th September 2017 was just a normal morning, I was eating my cereal and I bit down on what I thought was my tongue, but when I went and checked in the mirror I noticed the lump under my tongue. I hadn’t had any pain; my mouth didn’t feel any different, my taste was the same, so what was this?
I immediately rang the doctors, it’s true what they say, ALWAYS get a lump checked out so that’s just what I did. I visited my surgery and saw the Ear, Nose and Throat specialist who looked in my mouth briefly and said… “it’s a mouth infection”.
I was given antibiotics and a mouthwash to take for seven days, I went home and started with the antibiotics. But there was always something in the back of my mind that something just wasn’t right. I checked my mouth every day, after three days of taking the antibiotics and using th...