Stephanie Leach

Throughout February and March 2007, I had a sore throat on the right-hand side. I tried many things, but nothing seemed to help alleviate it.
After a few weeks I finally went to see my Doctor and he immediately referred me to see a specialist. Two things at this point; firstly, cancer hadn’t even crossed my mind, and secondly, I didn’t realise that a sore throat on only one side could be a sign of cancer.
The specialist asked me if I smoked, drank a lot or chewed tobacco! I did none of these.
He then referred me to a further a specialist in Taunton hospital where I underwent a biopsy under anaesthetic. After the biopsy I met the consultant who told me that, although they had to send it off for tests, he was 95% sure that I had mouth cancer.
I couldn’t even say the word, let alone hear anything else he said. I couldn’t have cancer, I had just started looking after my very dear first grandson while my daughter and her husband were at work and I was also caring...