Paul Roebuck

As a Psychotherapist and Mind Coach, Paul Roebuck is a man who dedicates his life to always being there for people to speak to and overcome problems in their lives.
Paul had a sore on his tongue, he could not get rid of it and it kept getting worse.
When he visited his dentist, he started on a path which saw him being told he had mouth cancer and would have to have part of his tongue removed.
Faced with losing his ability to speak his world came crashing down.
Here, in his own words, is Paul’s emotional story of facing mouth cancer and his vivid truth about the enormous emotional, psychological and physical impact which it has had on him and his family.

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For more information about mouth cancer, including how to spot the disease early, how to reduce your risk and what to do if you notice any of the early warning signs, visit Alternatively, you can get advice from the Oral Health Foun...