Word of Mouth: June 2022

Hello and welcome to the latest issue of Word of Mouth – the Oral Health Foundation’s digital magazine. This edition is dedicated to all things National Smile Month – our charity campaign that has been putting a smile on thousands of faces over the last month.
During National Smile Month we have been championing the benefits of a healthy mouth and promoting the value of good oral health. The charity campaign is all about making a positive difference to the quality of people’s lives by helping them to improve their oral health. For many people, looking after their smile is often simple, but for some it is anything but. Every year, millions of people are affected by oral health problems. They can affect relationships, careers, and day-to-day life.
Oral disease often leaves people in extreme pain and can also be life-threatening. That’s why, National Smile Month 2022 has been shining a light on inequalities within oral health. Inequalities are often prevent...