Class visit to the dentist

Building links between local schools and a nearby dental practice is one of the most rewarding National Smile Month activities, and also one of the most effective.
A class visit to the dentist for early years and primary school children is a great way to engage children in positive oral health messages, whether it is demonstrating good toothbrushing techniques, giving lessons on sugar in food and healthy diets, or even simply good day-to-day advice on oral health routines.
By a classroom visiting the dentist, the children can actually be made to feel more comfortable with the sights and the sounds of the dental practice, as well as easing any anxiety they may have about a trip to the dentist.
By approaching a local dental practice to propose a classroom visit for a few hours one day, the lessons learnt could prove vital in their early years and wellbeing, having positive effects not only now, but in the future too.
And if you’re a dental practice who would like to forge close...