Driving change

As a charity looking to make a positive impact to the wellbeing of people everywhere, lobbying and influencing policy on all matters relating to oral health is essential for us.
We see first-hand the issues that so many people are faced with on a daily basis but are often powerless to do anything about. One of the ways in which our charity can really make a difference is by affecting the direction and decision-making on certain issues, policies or laws so that we can achieve a higher level of care and health.
We spend a great deal of time lending our support and joining forces with like-minded organisations who are petitioning on the behalf of the general public. We raise important issues with MPs, Lords and government agencies by taking your views and experiences to them in order to make a better future for everybody.
Our membership of the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe puts us in a key position to promote oral health and the cost-effective prevention of oral d...