Smoking and alcohol at work

According to figures published by the Health & Safety Executive, more than two million workers in the UK suffered from work-related illness last year, resulting in around £12 billion in lost revenue… the equivalent of £500 for each employee or around 15% of salary costs.
A significant proportion of this is due to lifestyle-related illness - a problem not only faced in the UK but all around the world.
Two of the most common of these are smoking and drinking alcohol to excess.
How many staff members at your workplace nip out for a cigarette or two during the day? Or does your team regularly go out for few post-work beers or glasses of wine? If so, then establishing a workplace health promotion programme, which includes smoking cessation and advice over alcohol use, can offer significant benefits to your company and your co-workers!
Workplace health promotion, as part of a health and wellbeing service has been offered by companies around the world for many years...