Sugar in the workplace

One of the major problems we are continually faced with at work is an excess of sugar.
It may be morale boosting and get you on-side with colleagues but bringing cakes and biscuits into the workplace too often can have a detrimental effect on the oral health and wellbeing of employees.
Government recommendations say we should have no more than 30g of sugar a day. That’s about seven level teaspoons (or sugar cubes). But recent findings show that adults actually consume double this amount daily. 
And it’s easy to do.
A regular can of Coke comes in at around 40g of sugar while a single chocolate biscuit is around 5g of sugar.
Cutting down sugar consumption
When you consider our eating and drinking habits at work, especially if you add a teaspoon to your tea or coffee, you can very quickly see how these can add up throughout the day. Unhealthy options of high sugar foods and drinks in vending machines, canteens and kitchens are not only contributing to oral hea...