Key opinion leaders reach an evidence-based consensus on mouthwash use

On 29 October, a group of key opinion leaders (KOLs), including the Oral Health Foundation's Dr Nigel Carter, gathered on the Southbank in London with Johnson & Johnson Ltd. for their 2021 National Advisory Panel event. 
These events and the relationships with the KOLs provide insight into how Johnson & Johnson Ltd. can best support primary care dental professionals in maintaining and improving the oral health of their patients, as well as building on the company’s continuing supportive partnership.
The overarching aim of the event was to seek the KOLs’ views in relation to supporting and maintaining oral health in patients between appointments, specifically looking at mechanical cleaning, any limitations, and possible adjunctive support in the form of a chemotherapeutic mouthwash.
They agreed on the following evidence-based consensus on mouthwash use:
‘Healthy gums don’t bleed. Effective toothbrushing and interdental cleaning is essential for k...