Top five “must have” design features for electric toothbrushes

12 January 2022
On tonight's episode of the Apprentice, the teams must design an electric toothbrush aimed at children aged between six and eight, as well as an accompanying app that encourages them to brush their teeth.
Twice daily toothbrushing with a fluoride toothpaste is important for children because it removes plaque. If the plaque isn't removed, it continues to build up, causing tooth decay and gum disease.
In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, nearly half (43%) of children aged eight have signs of tooth decay.1
Electric toothbrushes can remove up to twice as much plaque as a manual brush, so it could be seen as a good investment for your child to have one. 
Despite the benefits, only one-in-two (53%) children in the UK use an electric toothbrush.2
In line with this week's task on The Apprentice, the Oral Health Foundation have released their top five must have design features for electric toothbrushes.  Let’s see how many of these the two teams can get ...